Problems updating Firmware

Hi. I’m trying to update the latest firmware. I downloaded 2.3.5 via the Envoy app. My current firmware version is 2.3.2. When I try to update the Passport, I get error:

Failed to copy new firmware:
Firmware update error: OSError, Info 5

I’m using an iPhone 15, iOS 18.2
I see that the v2.3.5.passport.bin is on the micro SD.
I tried downloading it to the SD via your GitHub repo and get the same error.

What am I doing wrong here? Any help and guidance would be appreciated. I’ve updated in the past so this isn’t my first time. I’m using a Macbook Pro, MacOS 15.2

Thank you

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Hey, sorry about this, you aren’t doing anything wrong. It’s an isolated bug on that specific firmware.

This will fix it for you.

Hi there. Thanks for your quick response but that did not work for me. I downloaded the dev pub key and checked it. All good there. I’m essentially getting the same error message. I’m not getting stuck at 98%, it’s just simply not working. gets to about 10% before the error message pops up. At the end of the help page you linked, it states to send an email if those steps do not work. is that where I should go from here? Frustrating…

If it’s a bug to this specific firmware, then can I just wait until the next one? I was just trying to maintain the health of my Passport but it still functions. I don’t use it a ton as it’s mainly just cold storage for me. Thank you

Could you try using a different SD card please?

Unfortunately, I do not have one handy. I’m an expat living in an area that I will have to do some work to obtain one. I’m using the one that Foundation sent with the device which I purchased in May 2024. Is this my only recourse?

We’d need to rule out a problem with the SD card before moving forward with any more troubleshooting steps. In the meantime, can you try formatting the card on the device and then reattempting the update?

Settings > Advanced > microSD > Format card

Let me go down to the Hipermarket and see what they have. Any certain specs that the card must have? I kind of always felt that the SD card would become a problem…

I just saw that you added to the post. Let me try reformatting first

Re-formatting did not work. Same error message. I will head to the store

I had to order a new SD online. It will not arrive for a week. Hopefully this will work. Please keep this open or let me know how to proceed once the card has arrived. Thank you

All you need to do is format the new card on device, then add the latest firmware firmware file and attempt the update.

Let us know how you get on.

Received SD card today and fully updated. So the Passport is updated and good to go. I did have to download the dev pub key to get past the 98%. Just fyi. Which I have deleted.

Strange as I have only inserted the SD card that came with the device twice before it “broke.”

Anyways, thank you. Looking forward to the Passport Prime! Ordered one last night


Thanks for confirming and thanks for your continued support by purchasing Prime!

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