Signed TX w/ different Account


I just accidentally signed a transaction w/ my Passport Gen2 from account A, while preparing the transaction in Sparrow Wallet for account B.

I did it once again to ensure I didn’t mix it up. Worked out fine again. Why and how is this possible? Account A obviously has a different private key than account B.

I am confused.

Thanks, Gambler

Passport Gen2 (v2.3.5)
Sparrow (v2.0.0)

With accounts you probably mean derivation paths within the same wallet. Is there a number in front of the account like #0, #01 etc?

They are the same wallet and share the same seed.

Yes, I mean derivation paths.

Still each derivation has it‘s own prv key.

Seed > Master Key > Child Key

Hey, @Gambler

Upon loading keys into your Passport, all accessible keys within your wallet become available for use. Accounts are considered a subset of your overall wallet, and consequently, all associated keys are loaded and potentially usable.

To mitigate the risk of unintended or unauthorized key usage (missigning), implementing a passphrase can be a valuable security measure.


Thanks, this makes sense.