Hey @magicinternetmoney, thank you for taking the time to write the post! I’m sorry to hear you were disappointed by the new device. However, let me break down some of the points you touched:
Unlike ledger, that runs closed sourced software on closed sourced hardware, ours will be 100% Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and Free and Open Sourced Hardware (FOSH). This means that you won’t have to believe us, you will be able to audit the code and review the hardware implementation yourself. Unlike Ledger, our promises are bounded by transparency, and all our claims can be cross-referenced by anyone, anytime.
Besides that however, the way the system was designed is also radically different than that of ledger. In their design, they claim you can 100% lose your device and they will recover it for you, meaning they MUST exfiltrate your seed out of the device. In our design, the seed never leaves the device. We will offer you two options:
Option 1) Manual backup: We provide three NFC cards in the box, you can do 2of3 shamir shard using all three cards and completely ignore Magic Backups and Envoy+.
Option 2) Magic backup: Of the three cards you will be using two, and the third shard will be saved in Envoy, that will encrypt it with Envoy’s hot wallet seed and submit it encrypted to our servers.
So for starters, this is an opt in service. If you want magic backups you can opt in, if you don’t want Magic backups, you can go full manual. In any case, even if the universe collided and our CEO went rogue overnight, the only thing anyone would be able to steal from Foundation’s end would be one encrypted shard, shich is useless without physical access to the rest of your cards. And I insisit, this shard would be encrytped with the seed of your Envoy’s hot wallet, so even if we decided to steal one shard it would be useless without the seed of your Envoy’s hot wallet Seed (which is used to encrypt the shard). And if foundation servers get seized or whatever, you can alawys use the other two cards you have to restore the seed in a new device. Again - all these claims will be verifyiable when we release the code, no need to trust us at all.
As explained above, everything can be validated independently without pinky promises, and even with malicious actors nothing would be compromised because the design is resilient to this type of attacks.
If you still don’t like our product that’s alright! We will never be able to satisfy everyone, even if we try and keep all feedback present for our product line. That is why we will keep producing our batch 2 device, and supporting it softwarewise for the foreseeable future. We know there will be people that still prefere batch 2, and that is ok.
Look at this as a personal security device, not exclusively as a HWW. Do you want an encrypted flash drive that hides files on demand when plugging them into a computer? Do you want to be able to keep your 2FA codes offline? Do you want to save your seeds offline? Do you want to use a nostr signing device without the friction of having to scan qr codes for every like, retweet or comment? Do you want a bitcoin hww on top of this? Prime is your device. Heck you could even use it without the bitcoin wallet app at all, just as a security device and keep batch 2 alongisde it as your dedicated bitcoin HWW if you wanted to. Don’t look at Prime as batch3, look at it as a brand new concept of device.
I hope I addressed all your concerns! And by all means, if you still have more questions or you think something of what I said needs more explaining, please feel free to reply back. Thank you!